The National Zero Waste Council commissioned Mustel Group to conduct market research to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on consumer behaviours and attitudes related to food and food waste. Results indicate that social distancing and stay-at-home measures may have had a positive impact on household food management in the homes of Canadians. The food waste study, which sampled 1,200 households across Canada, shows that Canadians are taking household food waste seriously. Nearly all households surveyed are motivated to reduce their household’s avoidable food waste (94%), and one-quarter are wasting less food than usual (24%). In many cases, the reduction in food waste is being achieved by better planning, including making meal plans and shopping lists more often, as well as freezing food to extend its shelf life and thinking creatively about how to use up left overs.
To read the full report, please click here.
For a one-page infographic of the results, please click here.
About this survey:
This survey was conducted among Canadian Households in June of 2020 using an online panel methodology. A total of 1,200 residents 18 years of age or older were surveyed. The results have been statistically weighted to match census stats on the basis of age, gender, and region.