Economic recovery, environment, and cost of living key electoral issues among Metro Vancouver businesses and residents

In collaboration with Mustel Group, the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade conducted a survey of Metro Vancouver residents and the business community to understand the factors that will affect the election.

For the region’s business community, the top issues are the economy/economic recovery (44%) and the business environment (regulatory, tax burden, etc.) (34%). This was followed by the environment and climate change (30%), fiscal responsibility (29%), government ethics, honesty and leadership (26%) and taxes (22%).

For the general population, 49% of residents cited the environment and climate change and affordability and the cost of living (36%), as the top issues. The economy and economic recovery (33%), government ethics, honesty and leadership (33%) and fiscal responsibility (24%), were also in the top five issues.

See press release here
See survey results here



About this research:

A total of 267 GVBOT members and 500 Metro Vancouver adults, 18 years of age or over, completed the survey from August 20-29, 2021 (margin of error +/-5.8% and +/-4.4% respectively at the 95% level of confidence).
