B.C. voters paying close attention to election, despite hearing more about U.S. presidential race

According to the latest VoteLocal survey of British Columbians, in the final week leading up to British Columbia’s general election on October 24th, residents’ top priorities remain unchanged – the economy and COVID-19 – with recent campaign controversies making little impact on voters’ decisions.

VoteLocal’s second province-wide survey during this campaign found that B.C. voters are paying close attention to this election, and almost half tuned in for the leaders’ debates, but 53% of those surveyed say they are hearing more about the U.S. presidential election compared to the provincial election.

The survey of 500 British Columbians, conducted by Mustel Group in partnership with FleishmanHillard HighRoad, was completed online from October 15-18, 2020.

“British Columbians appear to be as engaged in this provincial election, as previous elections,” said Evi Mustel, Principal of Mustel Group.“Those who are more engaged are concerned about government’s response to COVID-19, the economy and government accountability and are interested in party policies or promises. Those less interested than in past elections primarily cite the early election call as the reason for not being more engaged.”

See press release here
See full report here
