Resource Works Presentation

At a recent Resource Works event Mustel Group presented views of British Columbians on the government and specifically the resource sector, and how to communicate more effectively to the public on resource issues.  Key findings include:

  • Overall, the top issue of concern across BC is Housing affordability (30%), followed by economy (13%) and environment/climate change (11%).
  • More than 1/3 of all BC residents feel that overall, both the provincial and federal governments are generally on the “wrong track”, with 44% believing that both governments are headed in the wrong direction when it comes to natural resource development.
  • There is a stark contrast between Urban and Rural dwellers in terms of how the economic benefits of resource development are viewed. Those living in cities tend to view resource development as less important than sectors such as tourism and high tech industries, and don’t see a strong connection between the economy and resource sector. Conversely, those living in rural areas tend be more knowledgeable about the specific economic benefits of the resource development.
  • Half of all British Columbians feel the government should proceed as planned with Site C, with those living in interior BC showing the most support (58%) and those residing on Vancouver Island showing the least support (43%).

See full presentation here
