A poll commissioned by Coast Capital Savings and conducted by Mustel Group Market Research on holiday spending habits of British Columbians shows a majority of respondents (94%) plan to pay off credit card debt either immediately or within the next three months, and 43% are planning to use their credit cards to purchase holiday gifts over cash or debit. But the B.C.-based federal credit union suggests that good intentions sometimes get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season and lead to holiday debt hangovers that last much longer than the holiday cheer.
About this release:
A total of 300 online surveys were conducted with Mustel Group’s Giving Opinions panel of B.C. adults 18 years and over. During data collection, age, gender and regional quotas were employed in an attempt to ensure the population is represented according to its actual distribution. At the tabulation stage, weighting adjustments bring basic characteristics of age, gender and region into their correct known proportions based on Statistics Canada population figures.
The margin of error on a random probability sample of 300 respondents is ±5.7% at the 95% level of confidence in the most conservative case.
The poll was conducted from November 21st to 26th, 2018.